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Stained glass

Lately I've been trying new things with my art, like painting directly on the glass that used to be in the picture frames for my...

I need to get back to this

This is a drawing I've been working on for over a month. I just need to finish it already, so I'm going to finish it tonight. #modernart...

Big boy in the parking lot

Don't be a hoe, don't be a slut. I wanna get stupid, I wanna get dumb. Lose my inhibitions, but I don't trust no one.


Holy shit, I just remembered at 11:55 I haven't posted a blog post tonight, so here it is!Ahhhhhhhh I had to send the image, open my...

Scream it out

I just need a voice I recognize. I'm working on a drawing. Sometimes I get sick of one medium and need to go back to drawing. A castle in...

Tom Hardy

I've been painting a lot, but I finished this portrait yesterday, of my favorite. Even though I've only seen a few of his movies.

Never good enough

I was inspired by an old, gross, faded, lemon-yellow house for the colors in this drawing. The yellow is subtle, so it doesn't show up...

No Notifications

I watched my niece all last week, and I'm watching her this week, and maybe for the majority of February. It's great, and makes my winter...

Caption This

I've been watching my niece for the past three days while my bro is working on fixing up his new house, so I haven't been doing much art,...


I drew this. Like it?

Writing and Art

I combined my writing with my penmanship, and thorny art syle for this newest piece. It's an excerpt from my novel, which I still have to...


I guess I unintentionally took a break from posting on here the whole month of December as a vacation. But I have been working on art,...


I'm getting back into designing fashion. I go through phases, and right now I'm tired of drawing naked people and I want to design some...

Feeling like a demon

I don't know if it's brought on by the gloomy weather, the gray skies and brown leaves, but every year it seems I go through a phase of...

Flashman Wade

Another sketch inspired by a man I follow on Insta; Dallas Wade. He has the best body and booty for drawing. And he always comments nice...


I did this drawing inspired by a guy I follow in IG, named Demetrius. I gave him a slight demonic vibe, but otherwise I'm pretty proud of...

You like that?

Yea, you dirty little alien demon slut, I know you love it. ~Fashion, but make it Satanic~ That's kinda always been my obsession, I'm...

Sketchy Aliens

I've gotten back into acrylic painting this week. It's been years. I'm also drawing a lot lately. Today it's a picture of three alien...

Not ready

I am not ready for the fall, because it so quickly turns to winter, but I am ready to finish this drawing. Parts of it I love, but some...

Bethel fall

Taking Humanities is really quite fun and informative, cause I'm learning about the past few hundred years of art and the influences on...

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